The New York Wine Classic was created and is annually hosted by The New York Wine & Grape Foundation. Open to all New York State wineries, categories include vinifera wines like Riesling and Cabernet Franc, and hybrid wines like Traminette and Maréchal Foch. The contest also includes categories for wines made from labrusca grapes, other fruits, and honey.
All wines entered are scored and may be awarded a medal. Awards are given for “Best of Class” for styles with at least seven wines entered. “Best of Category” awards are given for the highest scoring red, white, pink, sparkling, and dessert wine. The Governor’s Cup, a large silver chalice, recognizes the “Best of Show” or top prize in the New York Wine Classic. The “Winery of the Year” award is presented to the winery with the highest score for their top seven scoring grape-based wines with additional points being awarded to any wine winning a Best of Class, Best of Category (sparkling, white, red, pink, dessert), or Governor’s Cup award.
Weis Vineyards
2018 Riesling Ice Wine
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 New York Wine Classic!
Weis Vineyards
Hammondsport, NY
(Keuka Lake, Finger Lakes)
Beverage Testing Institute (BevTest) is honored to conduct the New York Wine Classic at the request of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation (NYWGF). BevTestwill organize and execute professional BevTest wine tasting panels at BevTest’s Chicago sensory lab.
Their industry-leading wine evaluation methodology was co-developed with Cornell University in 1981. Today, BevTest has augmented that methodology by collecting more data points on custom software in a state-of-the-art sensory laboratory. The room is specially designed to minimize external factors and maximize the panelists’ concentration. These are just some of the ways BevTest ensures the fairest, most consistent reviews.
BevTest will use its scoring data as the basis for the Best of Category, Best of Class, and Governor’s Cup assignments thus ensuring the impartiality and credibility of the New York Wine Classic’s results from start to finish. If there are any score ties for the ‘Best of’ or Governor’s Cup Awards, BevTest would use its typicity data (i.e., which wine is more typical of the given category) to select the winner of the tie. If there is a still a tie based on typicity, BevTest would conduct a final taste-off with its senior wine panelists and editors to determine the winner. There will be only one winner for each award, each year. Learn More >>>
The New York Wine Classic is a program of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation.
The mission of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation is to promote the world-class image of New York grapes and wines from our diverse regions to responsibly benefit farmers, producers and consumers through innovative marketing, research, communication, and advocacy.
One Keuka Business Park, Suite 208, Penn Yan, New York 14527 | (315) 924-3700 | info@newyorkwines.org