
The New York wine industry is a major engine of economic development, generating well over $6.65 billion in economic benefits to New York State annually. Wineries—which mean new investment, new jobs, new tourism, and new taxes—have spread from the traditional regions to places never envisioned as wine regions. While some statistics, like vineyard acreage, grow slowly, the number of wineries changes nearly every week.

The Economic Impact of Grapes, Grape Juice and Wine on the New York Economy

The report, conducted by John Dunham & Associates (JDA) in 2019, defines the wine and grape industries as: wine and grape juice manufacturing, wine and grape juice retailing, wine and grape wholesaling, wine grape growing, juice grape growing, tourism, wine research and education, and wine-related associations in the state of New York. Additional data tables by County or Legislative District are available upon request.

2019 (Click to Download)

2019 (Click to Download)

2019 (Click to Download)

2019 (Click to Download)

Wineries in New York
American Viticultural Areas
Vineyard Acres