NYWGF Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

The New York Wine & Grape Foundation (NYWGF) was created by the State of New York in 1985 as a private, non-profit organization. The enabling legislation established a financing mechanism for promotion and research, providing the industry with both short-term assistance and the potential for long-term viability. NYWGF’s programs are developed by a 21-member Board of Directors in consultation with other representatives from industry and state government. The activities carried out by NYWGF are designed to support all uses of New York-grown grapes from all regions of the state.

The mission of the NYWGF (updated in February 2018) is to “promote the world-class image of New York grapes and wines from our diverse regions to responsibly benefit farmers, producers and consumers through innovative marketing, research, communication, and advocacy.” The vision of the NYWGF (updated in February 2018) is “to be the world’s premier region for cool and cold climate viticulture.”