Marketing and Informational Assets

With each passing year, New York’s prominence in the world of wine has grown. We’re no longer a secret, and we’re taking our rightful spot as one of the world’s leading winegrowing regions. While word of mouth has been instrumental in our rise, we can all do our part—with the resources included here—to tell a consistent story of bold New York wine quality, tastes, and experiences…and to help the world see how cool we are.

The New York Wines Resources page will be updated regularly with foreign language versions of current assets, as well as new or revised assets based on feedback from members, program participants, consumers, and members of the trade, and media. Feedback may be submitted online here.

The story of New York wine is overwhelming—but under-told. You can help spread the word of New York wine excellence through the assets available at the New York Wine & Grape Foundation Printing Storefront. A growing list of materials are available for purchase—posters to display in your tasting rooms, brochures to place in high-traffic areas, and even hats to wear and sell in your retail shops. These assets can help promote New York wines and your business at the same time. Visit and tell the story of how cool things are in the world of New York wines.

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New York Wine & Grape Foundation Brand Guidelines

A guide that describes the relationship between the Boldly, NY. brand and the New York Wines and Sustainable Winegrowing sub-brands—and the rules for using each.

New York State Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about the State’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more.

Long Island AVA Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about the Long Island AVA’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more.

Hudson River Region AVA Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about the Hudson River Region AVA’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more.

Upper Hudson AVA Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about the Upper Hudson AVA’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more.

Champlain Valley AVA Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about the Champlain Valley AVA’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more.

Finger Lakes AVA Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about the Finger Lakes AVA’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more.

Lake Erie AVA Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about the Lake Erie AVA’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more.

The Niagara Escarpment AVA Information Sheet

A sheet containing facts, figures, and fascinating information about The Niagara Escarpment AVA’s grapes, wines, climate, terroir, and more

Customizable Trade Ads

A series of customizable print ads that highlight three points of differentiation about the New York wine scene and promote your business as you do the same for New York wines.

New York State Poster

A poster that, at a glance, communicates the New York State wine value proposition and highlights the State’s seven AVAs.

New York State Brochure

A trifold for distribution in brochure racks, tasting rooms, and through other avenues to explain the excellence and uniqueness of our cool climate viticulture and the remarkable New York State wines that we produce.