Conducting a Winery Financial & Operational Analysis

Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Learn how to structure, review, and synthesize your winery data to build for success – without sacrificing compliance. Record keeping can be cumbersome and overwhelming, but it is necessary for compliance and tax purposes. What else can your sales, inventory, and other records tell you about the health and potential success of your winery? Yes, […]

Business Succession Planning for Wineries & Growers

Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Planning for the future doesn’t have to be complicated or intimidating. Succession planning ensures that your assets will be used to benefit the people you choose and can lay the groundwork for the next generation to take the reins. In this session, participants will learn more about the right (and sometimes difficult) questions to ask […]

Conducting a Winery Financial & Operational Analysis

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Learn how to structure, review, and synthesize your winery data to build for success – without sacrificing compliance.About this eventNew for 2022! Record keeping can be cumbersome and overwhelming, but it is necessary for compliance and tax purposes. What else can your sales, inventory, and other records tell you about the health and potential success of […]

New York Grape Grower and Winery Labor Market in 2022 and Beyond

Virtual Event
Virtual Event Virtual Event

There is no doubt that increased labor costs, labor shortages, and potential legislative changes have had, and will continue to have, a significant impact on wineries and growers in New York State. In this session you will learn about trends in the New York agricultural labor market, how wineries have already been dealing with those […]

Grant Funding Opportunities Available to NY’s Wineries & Growers

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join us as Nathan Rudgers from Farm Credit East discusses the most common types of grant opportunities available to wineries & growers. Now more than ever, wineries and growers are looking for other sources of income to help them invest in capital infrastructure, implement sustainable energy solutions like solar panels, and much more. Join us […]