NYWGF Releases Revised Global Messaging RFP

The New York Wine & Grape Foundation would like to thank those who showed interest in this important project! In response to the myriad of questions and proposals that were submitted during the initial request for proposals, we are re-issuing the Global Messaging RFP to provide further clarity on deliverables, examples of expected assets and their use, and a revised budget and timeline to align with NYWGF’s and the successful partner’s expectations for quality and performance.

Budget: The revised budget for this project is now up to $150,000, however NYWGF will entertain a proposal over that amount with sufficient rationale and demonstrated ROI. NYWGF anticipates that success on this initial project may provide an opportunity for ongoing partnership in following years.

Timeline: We would like you to propose the specific timeline to us. We are hoping that the project goals will be achievable within 12 months of start date. If that is not feasible, please tell us and propose the timeline that you believe works best.

We encourage all potential partners to review the updated RFP to reaffirm fit with your company’s capability and availability. While we have writing and design skills on our staff team, NYWGF is seeking a partner to provide that “wow” factor including a bold vision, innovative design, a creative approach to messaging for key audiences, an ability to inspire our constituents through education and training, and the skill to map out an engaging and logical website user journey to the new assets you build. We expect the unexpected and Bold. We realize this is a significant amount of work, and that costs money and takes time.

Questions regarding this RFP should be directed to valerieross@nywgf.org no later than January 24th, 2022.

All proposals are due by 5:00PM on Friday, February 11th, 2022.

Picture of New York Wine & Grape Foundation

New York Wine & Grape Foundation

The mission of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation is to promote the world-class image of New York grapes and wines from our diverse regions to responsibly benefit farmers, producers and consumers through innovative marketing, research, communication, and advocacy.