EPA Seeking Comments on Proposed Registration Changes for Ziram, Iprodione (Roval)

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is soliciting official comments about the re-registration and usage of two fungicide materials commonly utilized by grape growers in New York State, Ziram and Iodiprone (trade name Rovral).  Growers in New York typically utilize Ziram for diseases such as downy mildew and black rot, with Rovral utilized for Botrytis management.  EPA regularly solicits comments from the public before making registration decisions.  Should you have input to share to the EPA, there are two links at the bottom of this message with additional information to learn more about the purpose for the comment period, which ends April 4, 2022, and the link to follow to provide comments, should you wish to do so.  

The following are taken directly from the EPA documents (linked below) regarding these proposals:


“Benefits assessment indicates high value of ziram in peaches and apricots as the alternatives may not perform as well as ziram leading to yield and/or quality loss. Accordingly, in evaluating potential risk mitigation for ziram, EPA considered the risks, the benefits, and the use patterns of this chemical. To address the identified risks of concern to human health and the environment, the Agency is proposing to cancel all registered conventional uses of ziram. The Agency discussed these proposed human health and ecological mitigation measures with the technical registrants of ziram. These mitigation measures are discussed in detail below.” (pg. 30, EPA Document EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0568-0058)

Iprodione (Rovral)

“The Agency is proposing to limit all outdoor uses of iprodione (including golf course tees and greens, as discussed above) to one application per year, based on drinking water concerns and to combat fungicide resistance. Fungicides are particularly prone to resistance, and this limitation may prevent or delay the development of resistance in plant pathogen populations. Fungicide resistance can necessitate increased rates and frequency of application and decrease the useful life of individual fungicides. Limiting iprodione applications to once annually per crop results in an approximately 50% to 80% reduction in EDWCs relative to the EDWCs based on the current use patterns, varying based on the current maximum number of applications per year for different crops.” (pg. 46,  EPA Document EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0392-0056)

“In addition to the turf application rate reduction discussed above, the EPA is proposing an application rate reduction for grapes from 1.0 lb a.i./A to 0.6 lbs a.i./A to address potential occupational post-application risks of concern. Potential cancer and non-cancer risks will be reduced by this rate reduction. Occupational risks are subject to the risk-benefit standard for registration, and while this grape rate reduction will not eliminate all occupational post-application risks of concern, they will lower the potential risks and preserve some benefits. See Table 12 for a summary of the estimated changes to the post-application non-cancer risk. The proposed rates are influenced by typical rates and by comments submitted by stakeholders.” (pg. 48, EPA Document EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0392-0056)

Further details of these proposals can be found using the links below:

Link for Commenting to the EPA:  https://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets

Federal Register notice explaining the EPA’s open comment period:  https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/02/03/2022-02197/pesticide-registration-review-proposed-interim-decisions-for-several-pesticides-notice-of

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New York Wine & Grape Foundation

The mission of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation is to promote the world-class image of New York grapes and wines from our diverse regions to responsibly benefit farmers, producers and consumers through innovative marketing, research, communication, and advocacy.