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News and Updates from the New York Wine & Grape Foundation


The Gilded Grape’s Mary Pino Feels Seen After Winning Retailer of the Year

When Mary Pino learned that she won the Retailer Award from the New York Wine & Grape Foundation this year for the work she does at the Gilded Grape, her Brooklyn wine store, she felt like years of hard work were being recognized. “I opened the Gilded Grape with the goal of sharing my passion for New York wine and spirits with my community in Brooklyn,” Pino explains of her store at 727 Church Avenue

Understanding New York Wines’ Sustainability Program with Justin Jackson

This week our very own Justin Jackson, NYWGF Sustainability Program Manager, sat down for an interview with the Editor of Canada’s Good Food Revolution, Jamie Drummond. In Part One of this series, Justin shared insights into our New York Sustainable Winegrowing Program and its comprehensive scope. Click the link below to learn more about how sustainability practices are shaping the future of winemaking in New York. Stay tuned for Part Two next week, where Justin

NYWGF Seeking Applications for Board of Directors 

Please submit your application by May 3, 2024.  Every May the New York Wine & Grape Foundation (NYWGF) Board of Directors meets to elect members of the industry and interested stakeholders (like wine consumers) to board seats with expiring terms. The term of office for directors is three years and there are currently 22 members of the Board of Directors. Thirteen (13) board seats are statutorily mandated by the law that created NYWGF in 1985,

For His Leadership and Winemaking in New York Wine, Cesar Baeza Wins the Phyllis Feder Unity Award

Cesar Baeza, 2024 Phyllis Feder Unity Award Winner Cesar Baeza has had a long career in the drinks business, and it has taken him all over the world. At the moment, the winemaker is in Chile, his native country, helping his family with the harvest at Baeza Family Cellars. Soon, he expects to return to the States, promoting Baeza Family Cellars’ wines and consulting during the growing and winemaking season. Baeza’s connection to the New

Executive Director’s Corner: 2024 Recap, NYWGF Statewide Roadshow, Vineyard Survey, Open ‘Office Hours’, & More

Greetings from New York City! For anyone just getting acquainted with the New York Wine & Grape Foundation, it might be news for you to find out that NYC is my home base. And while most of the NYWGF team is in the Finger Lakes, we also have two staff members in the Hudson Valley region. We’re a small but mighty team of seven, connecting with each other every day to work harder (and smarter)

Dawn and Bob Betts Honored by John Brahm III Grower Award for Ceaseless Research and Innovation

Dawn and Bob Betts of Betts Farms LLC The usual “surprised but pleased” reaction that most people admit to having when presented with a major accolade doesn’t quite sum it up for Dawn and Bob Betts. “We were shocked,” Dawn says of learning that she and her husband Bob won the John Brahm III Grower award for their pioneering work with grapes at Betts Farms. “It’s the Wine & Grape Foundation. We’re Concord growers!” “Grape