Field Notes

News and Updates from the New York Wine & Grape Foundation


Fox Run family stands with Bottle Crusher machine.

Fox Run Becomes First NY Winery to use GLSand Bottle Crusher

As a producer of nearly 240,000 bottles of wine each year, Fox Run Vineyards knew they had to do more to keep glass out of area landfills. Enter the Expelco GLSand Bottle Crusher: a compact machine designed to crush glass bottles into environmentally usable sand. Fox Run is the first winery in New York State to adopt and use this new technology.

The New York Wine & Grape Foundation Announces “Best of Class” from the 2021 New York Wine Classic

Known as “The Oscars®” of New York wine competitions, the Classic is organized by the New York Wine & Grape Foundation. New this year, NYWGF partnered with the Beverage Testing Institute (BTI) to judge wines submitted from across New York state. A total of 1 Platinum, 138 Gold, 355 Silver, and 104 Bronze medals were awarded by BTI’s trained sensory panel comprised of beverage directors, sommeliers, top bartenders, retail buyers and educators.

Year-end Planning and Current Hot Topics

We are happy to be welcoming Anthony Sandonato from Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. LLP back for our annual tax & finance year end webinar. During this session Tony will help clarify any continued confusion that still exists in relation to Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans, and loan forgiveness issues. We will also explore year-end tax planning and inventory strategies, and learn some tips for 2021 planning in light of COVID-19’s continued financial impact.

Governor Cuomo Announces Virtual Taste NY Producer Showcase to Boost New York’s Farms, Small Food and Beverage Businesses

Pilot Program to Kick-off in the Adirondacks and Capital Region Online Business-to-Business Networking Event Will Connect Taste NY Producers with Potential New Buyers of Food Products Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the virtual Taste NY Producer Showcase, which was created to boost business for New York’s farms and small food and beverage makers. The first of its kind, online business-to-business networking event will help to connect New York’s agricultural

Sunday Brunch…Liberated!

Eggs Benedict with Champagne…Mimosa with Fruit Crepes…Sorry, but you’ll have to wait until noon!

That has long been the situation in New York State…until this week when Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation to liberate Sunday brunch, along with several other measures to further advance New York’s craft beverage sectors, including wine.

Washington Gets a Taste of New York

On Wednesday, September 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand will host “New York Farm Day” in the elegant Senate Kennedy Caucus Room at the crest of Capitol Hill. Attendees will include other Senators, the New York Congressional delegation from the House of Representatives, members of the Committees on Agriculture and the Congressional Wine Caucus, legislative chiefs of staff, agricultural specialists in Congress and the Administration, members of the Washington media, top area restaurants and fine wine shops.